Module List Configuration
You can configure which fields are displayed in each module list to reflect information of value to your organization. This is especially useful when the Expanded List is opened, as more field content can be displayed. The order in which records appear in the list can also be specified.
List contents are defined and set through the use of a report definition. Once a report definition has been created that defines the fields which to display and the desired order, the Report ID for the newly created report is specified in the Access Group module, allowing you to set a different List view for each access group.
To ensure the list is not inadvertently changed by another user, you may want to consider locking the Report Setup or placing it in a Report Group that is not commonly accessible.
Create a report definition:
Locate a basic list report for the module for which you want to create a custom list.
Copy the selected report, and give it a name that you will easily recall.
For example, a good name would be Custom Work Order List.
From the Report Setup window, modify fields listed in the Display field as desired.
The Expanded List only displays a moderate number of fields by default. If the field definition is long, members will have to scroll to access additional data.
Modify the order of your chosen fields by clicking the up and down arrow to the right of the Display field.
The first field should be identifying in nature, such as ID or Name, as these are the only fields likely to show in the List Pane when it is not expanded.
Use the Sort fields at the bottom of the window to indicate the sort order for the list.
Grouping is ignored.
Click the Advanced tab.
Copy the value of the Report ID field.
This value must be specified for each Access Group.
When viewing an Expanded Module List that has been configured, a Setup button appears to the right of the filters. This button navigates you to the report setup to view or modify the module list. This button is only displayed for users with List Setup permission.
Link the report definition to access groups:
Open the Access Group module.
Select the access group you want to assign this list to from the Access Group List.
Click Rights.
Select List from the Type control in the lower-left part of the Rights tab.
The Rights List refreshes with access group rights to define the Report ID.
If no module has been specified from the Module field on the left, options for all modules will be displayed.
If a module has been specified, only the access group permission for that module will be displayed.
Select the Report ID permission that you want to set.
Enter the Report ID from Step 1 above into the Value field.
Click Apply.
Repeat these procedures as necessary for additional Access Groups.